“And how long have you been working here?” was the comment from smart alec Tony in work 😀
Yes, that IS my day job but this domain was one from my personal inventory. I’ve always liked domains.
I’ve regularly bought them but rarely sold any of my own. Actually, I’ve NEVER sold one of my own 🙂
I was never in it for the quick turnover sale. I just like domains 😀
I see a domain that I feel is interesting, relevant and MIGHT some day have a higher purpose so to speak.
So it came as a huge surprise (and luck) that someone had expressed an interest AND bought a domain I’d registered.
It’s a really great feeling when something you felt was “worth” something turns out to be so. Not to mention the fact that someone is willing to pay ME for one of my domains as opposed to me always paying OTHERS for domains 🙂
I was also very lucky. I had initially MISSED the first email enquiring about the domain but luckily Michele bumped into the person at a recent industry event and suggested I speak to them. Thanks Michele 🙂
The domain in question is one of those new fangled TLDs which has created both positive and negative sentiments.
Personally I think they’re great. For the consumer they have something that is pretty relevant and available. At the very least there are a FEW options open to them. Think freshflower.florist, fresh.flowers, freshflowers.forsale etc.
Domain not available in one TLD ? No problem, next!
For domainers (not sure I qualify) they represent an opportunity to find those little nuggets that everyone is looking for. And no, I don’t mean trying to extort money from anyone. The domain I sold, was one of the most generic terms you’ll find.
For registars it means more to offer their customers.
And if you just like domains, well there’s more and more to choose from.
Long live choice!
While I haven’t gone into any detail about the domain as I want to be respectful to the buyer, I might do a follow up post re: the domain / sale price etc. at a later stage.
Needles to say I’m still smiling form ear to ear and I will certainly be looking around for more.
And that’s generally good for the people who employ me! 😀
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